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Person-related (from investment banker to DJ)

I was part of a Berlin delegation at SXSW in Austin, Texas - here’s some impressions:

Talking about my “wild wisdoms” at Wilde Möhre Festival 2021:

Check out this incredible video of our little hot air ballon party - including crash landing! (June 2021)

Here’s a part of the TECHNO set I’ve played at the Four Play Live Stream @ KitKatClub, Berlin (Feb 2021)

A flashback to summer festival vibes (Sep 2020):

Live Stream from Klunkerkranich (Apr 2020):

A wonderful, slightly doomy-looking early evening at Berlin-Neukölln’s infamous Klunkerkranich in collaboration with Wilde Möhre Festival. Enjoy some easy-going disco & funky tunes!

Interview with na.gut (Oct 2019, in German)

A couple of videos from my DJ set at Meadows in the Mountains Festival in Bulgaria 2018:

Some highlights from my sets at Wilde Möhre Festival over the years:

Filmed at KitKatClub, Berlin:

Annie O @ KitKatClub Berlin Annie O: Party: Psychedelic Theatre Kamera/Schnitt: Martin Sommerburg Produktion: MARSMEDIA BERLIN

My interview (in German) with About Adam - here's the whole article .

Annie O ist eine DJane aus Berlin, die, obwohl sie heterosexuell ist, hauptsächlich auf schwulen Partys auflegt. Sie ist Resident bei der Revolver und der B:EAST Party und hat einen speziellen Stil beim Musik machen.

My TEDx talk (Feb 2017): "Acknowledge Your Inner Compass - A Journey From Investment Banker To DJ":

ZDF-Doku zum Thema “Scheitern” - mit Dr. Leon Windscheidt (Sep 2023):

Portrait by German national TV channel ZDF (April 2020, in German - watch from minute 39):

A great "behind the scenes" video filmed for and by mymuesli (in German):

This is one of my favourite DJ moments ever - as it happened at Morning Gloryville, London:

This happened on 26 Feb 14 when I DJed at Morning Glory - what an incredible crowd and energy!!